Thursday, October 18, 2012


Below are the invitation and photos from the Boys and Girls Club Fundraiser Luncheon.  The food was excellent, the presentation lovely, and the service outstanding.  A thank you to all those that attended, the Delta Kappa Gamma hostesses, and those that donated consumables and cash!

You’re Invited to a Fundraiser Luncheon
($10 suggested donation)
for Purchasing Kitchen Supplies & Utensils for the
Boys and Girls Club of Cumberland
Thurs., Oct. 18, 2012 - 11:30 a.m.
at the Boys and Girls Club (old Rutabaga Warehouse)
Please bring one non-perishable consumable to help supply the kitchen:
*Aluminum foil     *Paper towels     *Dishwashing soap
Please R.S.V.P. by Mon., Oct. 15, to Jeanne Nelson at 715-822-3434
Jeanne Nelson, Sharlaine Hemmingsen & Bobbi Momchilovich, Hostesses


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


  • The press release below appeared in area newspapers the week before the Delta Kappa Gamma - Psi Chapter Meet the Candidates forum.  Chapter committee members served coffee and cookies in the lobby, handed out note cards for the audience to submit questions, ushered guests to seats, moderated the forum, timed the speakers, and acted as hosts for the evening.  Photos below are of candidate presenters and Psi Chapter members at work during the forum.
A Candidate Forum will be held at Barron Court House Auditorium Tuesday October 16, 2012 at 6:00 PM.

A candidate forum for the public is scheduled in the Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium of the County Government Center (the Old Courthouse) in Barron October 16th, 2012 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. The forum will give regional residents more information on the views of candidates running for office. Candidates have been invited to participate and include those running for the offices of 7th District Federal House of Representatives (currently held by Sean Duffy) and Wisconsin State Representative from 75th District (currently held by Roger Rivard.)
Candidates will introduce themselves and respond to written questions from the audience by note cards. The written questions will allow a variety of subjects to be addressed. Candidates who have been invited include:
1) 7Th District Federal House of Representatives Election-office held by Sean Duffy. The 7th district represents much of northwestern WI.
Republican: Sean Duffy
Democrat: Pat Kreitlow
Only Mr. Kreitlow is scheduled to appear as Mr. Duffy has a conflict.
2) Wisconsin State Representative from 75th district of Wisconsin held by Roger Rivard. The 75th district represents Barron County; also parts of Washburn County (including Bass Lake, Stone Lake, Crystal, Bashaw, Beaver Brook, Madge, Roosevelt, Barronett, Sarona, Long Lake, and Birchwood Townships); Polk County (including only McKinley, Johnstown, and Clear Lake Townships; St. Croix including only Forest Township; Dunn County including only New Haven Township.)
Republican: Roger Rivard
Democrat: Stephen Smith
Both candidates have confirmed that they will be present.
Refreshments will be served following the program at 7:30. Forum is sponsored by Members of Delta Kappa Gamma, a local organization of women educators, as a service project.
The Government Center of Barron County (Old Courthouse) is located at 330 E. LaSalle, Barron. Parking is on the south side of the building. Entrance to the Courthouse is on the Southwest side.

Roger Rivard and Stephen Smith responding to audience questions

Pat Kreitlow responding to audience questions


Sunday, October 14, 2012



Kids in the Kitchen - Boys and Girls Club, Cumberland, WI

FALL 2012

Learning to Fold Table Napkins

Serious Cooks and Serious Eaters
Cutting Practice

Dining Etiquette Practice

Measuring and Mixing

Butter makes it better...Final Touches

Following the Recipe

More kids...more chicken!
Homework comes first...tutoring by the staff!
Great presentation by the kids...table looks terrific.
Salad Bar
Is the table ready?

Dinner is Served
The Boys and Girls Club members are having a great time learning to read recipes, use a variety of kitchen equipment, cook, measure, try new foods, set the table, and practice dining etiquette.  Delta Kappa Gamma Psi Chapter members are also having lots of fun with this project.  It is a win/win project for the young people attending Boys and Girls Club and our Psi Chapter members.
Journal the Meal
Instructions:  Journals are a wonderful way to express ideas.  There is no right or wrong way to journal.  Respond in any way that makes sense to you.  Be creative.  Use your imagination.  You may include illustrations, but the goal is to work with your words. 
 After each meal kids were asked to write a response to the following questions:
  1. For dinner we had_____
  2. If you could cook any of this meal for your family, what would you cook?  Describe the meal and tell how you would make it._____
  3. Pretend you are a famous chef and own a fancy restaurant.  How would you change one of these recipes to make it better or fancier?_____
  4. What was one nutritious food you liked?_____
  5. Write about the funniest thing that happened to you tonight.  What made you laugh?_____